Varicose Veins Treatments


Blood flow in varicose veins is usually in the wrong direction and eliminating diseased veins improves the circulation. Most blood returns through deep veins. All forms of modern treatment are well tolerated. The best treatment is selected from the clinical examination and the ultrasound study. This is influenced by where disease is located, how bad it is, age and medical condition. Treatment may be conservative with no intervention. If intervention is recommended then it consists of one or more of the following:

Victoria Vein Clinic has been responsible for the introduction and development of all non-surgical endovenous techniques. In particular, we introduced Endovenous Laser Ablation in 2002 and Clarivein Sclerotherapy in 2010.

The results from treatment are very good. However,

Pregnancy brings out veins but they tend to improve after delivery so that we do not intervene during pregnancy or lactation. For women, it is not necessary to wait to "finish your family", for non-surgical treatment is easily repeated. It is no longer necessary to keep the vein for arterial bypass grafting for a weak, fibrosed, dilated vein is of no use as an arterial bypass and cardiac surgeons now prefer arm and chest wall arteries.

Please Note

Your treatment will not be recognized by Medicare if veins are less than 2.5mm in diameter.  Even if your treatment is recognized by Medicare, they have restrictions on the item number used for Sclerotherapy (item 32500). A maximum of 6 treatments in a 12 month period is permitted by Medicare.  You may require more treatment sessions but there will be no further rebate from Medicare if within the 12 month cycle. We advise you contact Medicare to enquire further - Phone 132 011

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