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Venous Thrombosis


Lower Limb Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

A thrombus is a blood clot. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) usually commences in deep veins in the calf below knee. If left untreated, clot can progressively extend into major veins above the knee or into the pelvis. More information on Deep Vein Thrombosis and its treatment »

Superficial Thrombophlebitis (STP)

Phlebitis is inflammation of the vein. Surface veins can clot, either spontaneously usually in association with some other general medical disease or in varicose veins. Some 5% will extend into deep veins if left untreated. Diagnosis should include an ultrasound scan to ensure the clot is not extending into deep veins. Management is with firm compression bandaging and this should allow the condition to settle within about two weeks. Anticoagulant drugs are usually not required unless clot extends to near the deep veins, and antibiotics are never needed. More information on Superficial Thrombophlebitis and its treatment »

Travelers' Thrombosis

Prolonged immobility - such as with a long journey - increases the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis, Superficial Thrombophlebitis and PE. Since some of the risk factors may not be known, or are common, it is advisable to attempt to prevent thrombosis during any long trip. More about Travelers' Thrombosis and its prevention »

Venous Thrombosis in the Upper Limbs

The veins affected are usually high up the limb near the armpit and base of the neck. The most common cause is pinching of the main vein between the collar bone, shoulder blade and first rib, frequently after strenuous activities. Extension of thrombus to cause pulmonary embolism is reported but is very uncommon. Treatment is usually with anticoagulant drugs or with drugs to dissolve clot if detected early. The risk of recurrence of upper limb thrombosis after stopping anticoagulant drug treatment is much less than for lower limb DVT.